Alex & Matteo Estate Agents
0/5, 0 reviews
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0% lettings fee satisfaction

Property Features

If you haven’t guessed yet, Alex & Matteo Estate Agents is named after its proprietors: Alex Smith and Matteo Donna. Their careers as estate agents merged several years ago when they became colleagues in a Surrey Quays estate agency. The pair quickly realised that their working styles, ambitions, and personalities ... show more If you haven’t guessed yet, Alex & Matteo Estate Agents is named after its proprietors: Alex Smith and Matteo Donna.

Their careers as estate agents merged several years ago when they became colleagues in a Surrey Quays estate agency. The pair quickly realised that their working styles, ambitions, and personalities aligned perfectly, making for a natural partnership with just enough competitive spirit to always be pushing each other to outperform.

At a certain point, the only next level to achieve became obvious, and a new business was born!

By choosing Alex and Matteo you’ll be working with friends who want to see each other succeed, but most importantly: local residents who want to see their neighbourhood and neighbours thrive.

With over 15 years combined experience in the sector, they are building an estate agency based on honesty, transparency, and customer satisfaction above all else. Get in touch now and let Alex and Matteo help – it’s their business, and it’s what they love to do.

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Areas covered
  • SE16
  • London
  • SE1
  • SE8
  • SE10
  • E14
  • E1
  • E
  • E3
  • WC
  • SW

305 Cocoa Studios, Biscuit Factory
Greater London
SE16 4DG
0203 983 1833

Opening Hours
Services offered
  • Sales
  • Lettings
  • Block Management
  • Surveys
  • Conveyancing
  • Mortgage Advice
  • Home Builder
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Kindly note that legally, letting agents need to publish information about their tenancy fees, government-approved redress schemes and client money protection schemes on their website and on third party websites (on which agents are listed). For properties to lease/rent in England, agents need to keep this information up to date and precise on allAgents or specify within the property description.

Complaints Procedure

We are committed to providing a professional service to all our clients and customers. If things go wrong we need you to tell us about them. This will help us to improve our service going forward and resolve issues as soon as possible.
If you have a complaint, please put this in writing (letter or email) to us. We will then acknowledge and respond in line with the timescales and stages set out below.
Stage 1—Your Complaint
Please put your complaint in writing either by letter or email and address it to Matteo Donna (Director). Please include as much detail as possible, including dates, names of any members of staff you dealt with, and where you are able to enclosing/attaching any supporting evidence.
Alex & Matteo Ltd
Attn: Matteo Donna
5 Cherry Garden House
Cherry Garden Street
SE16 4PE
Email: [email protected]
Stage 2—Our Acknowledgement
Your complaint will be acknowledged and we will start our in house complaints process.
Timescale: within 3 working days of receiving your complaint.
Stage 3—Our Investigation
Your complaint will be investigated and Matteo Donna will provide a formal written response addressing your specific complaints and proposing resolutions where appropriate.
Timescale: within 15 working days of receiving your complaint.
Stage 4—Final Viewpoint
If you remain dissatisfied, you should contact us again and we will conduct a separate review to take place by Matteo Donna.
This will outline our final viewpoint on the matter.
Timescale: within 15 working days of receiving your request for a further review.
Stage 5—The Property Ombudsman
If our final viewpoint letter does not resolve matters (or more than 8 weeks has elapsed since the complaint was first made) you can request an independent review from The Property Ombudsman without charge.
Timescale: you must refer your complaint to the Ombudsman within 12 months of receiving our final viewpoint letter.
You are entitled to have your complaint referred to the Ombudsman should we fail to deal with matters promptly or do not comply with our in house complaint procedure within 8 weeks from the date we receive your complaint in writing.
The Property Ombudsman
Milford House
43-55 Milford Street
01722 333306 [email protected]
Last updated at 11:02 AM 25/05/2020 by Matteo

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