Vickery & Co
Camberley, GU16
2.3/5, 4 reviews
25% recommended
33% sales valuation accuracy
67% sales fee satisfaction
0% lettings valuation accuracy
0% lettings fee satisfaction

Property Features

“At the really important stages these agents are not up to the job...”

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Jun 18,2021
By: 'S'
Jun 18,2021
0 people found
this helpful
Within a few weeks of our property being listed the agent wanted to drop the asking price considerably. And regularly asked if we could move into rented, which just felt like they wanted their commission and didn't care about what we wanted.
The weekly update frequently had no additional information even when it was the role of the agent to get it. For example the agent had access to all agents in the chain (4 in the chain in total) but the preferred completion date was not passed on to the top of the chain. When asked each week by us if everyone had agreed to the suggested date we were just told that the agent hadn't heard back.

The staff are polite. We were given feedback after almost all viewings but not always anything constructive. When I next engage an agent I will instruct them to assess the requirements of potential purchasers in greater depth before showing them around.
The buyer pushed for a lower price for the property at the final stages of the process which the agent seemed to make no effort to rebutt even though selling prices had actually increased substantially. We felt pushed into agreeing to work outside of the mortgage company and solicitors for the price drop. We were accused of not following through with the price drop and threatened with legal action, which was extremely uncomfortable and distressing.
The fixed agent fee had seemed attractive at first but may have contributed to the lack of desire to work on behalf of those paying the fee.
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Opening Hours

Vickery & Co
66 High Street
GU16 7JE
01276 681682

Performance statistics
Services Valuation Accuracy Fees Satisfaction Min Price of property reviewed Max Price of property reviewed
Sales 33% 67% £0 £0
Lettings 0% 0% £0 £0
Review statistics
From Landlords From Tenants From Vendors From Buyers Other
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 2
Areas covered
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  • Sales
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  • Block Management
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  • Conveyancing
  • Mortgage Advice
  • Home Builder
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“At the really important stages these agents are not up to the job...”

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Jun 18,2021
By: 'S'
Jun 18,2021
0 people found
this helpful
Within a few weeks of our property being listed the agent wanted to drop the asking price considerably. And regularly asked if we could move into rented, which just felt like they wanted their commission and didn't care about what we wanted. The weekly update ...
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“Excellent team, fully recommended. They listened and were helpful and ......”

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Jan 16,2017
By: 'Sarah'
Jan 16,2017
0 people found
this helpful
Excellent team, fully recommended. They listened and were helpful and determined. I can't write 20 words on this review so this will have to do...
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Comment on agent fees
Rather high
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“Dreadful experience when selling and buying through Vickery previously. I ......”

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Jul 19,2016
By: 'carolinew68'
Jul 19,2016
3 people found
this helpful
Dreadful experience when selling and buying through Vickery previously. I couldn't sell my house so had to pull out of a purchase. Abby Brasier (the office manager) was furious with me when I couldn't raise the funds for the other purchase and put me in ...
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Comment on agent fees
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“This just happened recently.. I was going to rent a ......”

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Mar 05,2011
By: 'anna'
Mar 05,2011
0 people found
this helpful
This just happened recently.. I was going to rent a property that I really like in Frimley. Made an offer done all the paper works but they keep me waiting, they don't even give me a call just for an update... They are not very ...
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No fees information available
Kindly note that legally, letting agents need to publish information about their tenancy fees, government-approved redress schemes and client money protection schemes on their website and on third party websites (on which agents are listed). For properties to lease/rent in England, agents need to keep this information up to date and precise on allAgents or specify within the property description.

Complaints Procedure

No procedure available.

Awards won by Vickery & Co, Camberley GU16 7JE

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