Graves Jenkins Residential
Brighton, BN1
1/5, 1 reviews
0% recommended
0% sales valuation accuracy
0% sales fee satisfaction
0% lettings valuation accuracy
0% lettings fee satisfaction

Property Features

“Avoid! Unless you want court proceeding brought against you!Do ......”

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Mar 27,2014
By: 'F'
Mar 27,2014
4 people found
this helpful
Avoid! Unless you want court proceeding brought against you!
Do not use this company and certainly do not sign anything with them. They kept my documents for over a year and after we agreed that other agents would be involved and whoever sells receives the commission, they sat patiently while the other agents did the hard work and then when I sold they came back claiming they were owed their fee. I think they do this so often they have their own in-house legal team. I know times are difficult for all companies but this is an underhand and immoral way of making money. Shame on you Graves Jenkins!
What agent could do to change your mind?
It would have helped if they sold my property within the year while it was on their books and most importantly not taken court proceedings against me!
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Opening Hours

Graves Jenkins Residential
1 North Road
Brighton and Hove
01273 601060

Performance statistics
Services Valuation Accuracy Fees Satisfaction Min Price of property reviewed Max Price of property reviewed
Sales % 0% £0 £0
Lettings 0% 0% £0 £0
Review statistics
From Landlords From Tenants From Vendors From Buyers Other
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Areas covered
Services offered
  • Sales
  • Lettings
  • Block Management
  • Surveys
  • Conveyancing
  • Mortgage Advice
  • Home Builder
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“Avoid! Unless you want court proceeding brought against you!Do ......”

Share on :
Mar 27,2014
By: 'F'
Mar 27,2014
4 people found
this helpful
Avoid! Unless you want court proceeding brought against you! Do not use this company and certainly do not sign anything with them. They kept my documents for over a year and after we agreed that other agents would be involved and whoever sells receives the ...
read full review
What agent could do to change your mind?
It would have helped if they sold my property within the year while it was on their books and most importantly not taken court proceedings against me!
Attached Filesnbsp;
Was this helpful? Yes
No fees information available
Kindly note that legally, letting agents need to publish information about their tenancy fees, government-approved redress schemes and client money protection schemes on their website and on third party websites (on which agents are listed). For properties to lease/rent in England, agents need to keep this information up to date and precise on allAgents or specify within the property description.

Complaints Procedure

No procedure available.

Awards won by Graves Jenkins Residential, Brighton BN1 1YA

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